FDA Adcomm Backs Accelerated Approval of Biogen’s Tofersen in SOD1-ALS


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1. Sanofi is discontinuing two acquired programs as part of its pipeline restructuring.

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2. Atuzabrutinib from Principia is being dropped due to efficacy and pharmacokinetics issues.

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3. SAR444419, an anti-TNFa/IL-6 nanobody from Ablynx, is also being discontinued.

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4. Sanofi's buyout of Principia Biopharma in 2020 has experienced several setbacks.

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5. A Phase III study of tolebrutinib in myasthenia gravis was stopped due to strong competition.

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6. Tolebrutinib is still under Phase II and III trials for multiple sclerosis.

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7. Berger, Sanofi's chief medical officer, has stepped into the R&D role.

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8. In 2018, Sanofi acquired Belgium-based Ablynx for $4.85 billion.

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9. Sanofi is also discontinuing programs for approved drugs Dupixent and Sarclisa.

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10. Similar to Sanofi, Novartis and Biogen are also trimming their pipelines post Q1.

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