Pharma, PBMs Blame Each Other Under Intense Scrutiny from Sanders’ Health Committee


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1. The cost of insulin for consumers has increased 1000-fold since 1996.

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2. The CEOs of Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk and executives from three top pharmacy benefit managers represent 90% control of the global insulin market.

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3. The drug companies made $100 billion in profit, while PBMs made $27 billion in profit last year.

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4. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) forced companies to cap insulin copays at $35 per month and cap insulin expenses for seniors at $2,000 a year via Medicare.

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5. Pharma indicated they would commit to lowering insulin prices.

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6. People can enroll in an annual program to further discount insulin on Lilly’s website, provided their annual income is no more than $57,000 per year.

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7. Lantus and an unbranded Lantus, made in the same factory with a 60% discount to the list price, was not listed on the health plans' formularies.

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8. Three PBMs control 85% of the field.

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9. PBMs made negotiations that were often opaque and resulted in higher consumer prices.

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10. PBMs reform will likely require Congressional action to see results.

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