Industry Seeks to Stimulate Innovation Through Grant Programs


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1. Last month, Thermo Fisher Scientific opened submissions for its Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program, launched in 2020 for molecular diagnostics for cancer treatment.

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2. Various biotech and pharma companies have initiated grant programs to support research in areas such as forensic sciences and artificial intelligence.

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3. The motivations for these grant initiatives include brand recognition, expert interaction, and societal contribution.

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4. Grant recipients often collaborate with the company and use their products, sometimes resulting in long-term partnerships.

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5. Industry grants offer research support in the form of research supplies or financial aid.

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6. QIAGEN's Young Investigator Awards provide young forensic investigators with up to $60,000 worth of instruments and reagents.

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7. Thermo Fisher Scientific provides clinical research teams with up to $200,000 in reagents and general funding.

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8. Merck KGaA offers up to 200,000 € ($220,479) per year for three years to academic and startup researchers.

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9. In return for financial support, researchers provide companies with access to new research, inspiring new products and services.

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10. The first winner of QIAGEN’s Young Investigator Awards, Margreet van den Berge, utilized the grant for research on mRNA profiling to identify body fluids and organ types.

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